All the men were up bright and early this morning, preparing for the day. Each had their own designated task that they fulfilled beautifully (despite a few little mishaps along the way= Its ok Matt, we still love you). The women, were scheduled to arrive at Shane & Kels house (thank you Shane and Kel for hosting :), so appreciated), at 10:00am. When we showed up, the men had a gorgeous layout for a "Mothers Day" Brunch. Shane had made the best homemade quiches I have EVER had. The rest of the men made sure to take care of all the other details, which included: fresh doughnuts, caramel rolls and pastries, fresh cut fruit, buttered toast, coffee, fabulous juices including one tasty exotic one :) (LOL), a beautifully set table with fresh cut flower arrangements as center pieces (enough arrangements for each mother to take one home). We so appreciated all the hard work and planning that was put into this day (especially from Shane, who hosted, designated duties, and made our main dish).
Needless to say, my first Mothers Day was great, and it was an awesome start to motherhood. A special thank you to my wonderful husband Matt, my precious daughter Bostyn, and my awesome puppy Ranger. You 3 give me a reason to smile every day, and I could not feel more honored to call you my family.
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